
A group of people is gathered in a public area, holding various signs with messages advocating for women's rights and against assault. Many are wearing face masks, and there is a mix of emotions displayed, including determination and solidarity. The backdrop includes urban buildings with several people raising their fists in the air.
A group of people is gathered in a public area, holding various signs with messages advocating for women's rights and against assault. Many are wearing face masks, and there is a mix of emotions displayed, including determination and solidarity. The backdrop includes urban buildings with several people raising their fists in the air.

Nous sommes là pour vous aider. Contactez-nous pour toute question ou demande d'information.


Nous sommes situés à Beaumont et Pestel, Grand’Anse, Haïti, où nous soutenons les femmes victimes de violence.


Beaumont, Pestel, Haïti


Lun-Ven: 9h-17h